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EU politics and policies are messy and filled with jargon difficult to understand. This makes it almost impossible to keep up with the latest developments in the EU.

EU Untangled is here to help you make sense of this mess and speak of the politics and policies in a simple – yet informative – way so you can understand what’s going on behind the headlines.

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What is a Spitzenkandidat? EU Untangled

Discover what a Spitzenkandidat is, the story behind its creation, and how it works, or doesn’t. From its origins to the current candidates and the tug-of-war between the European Parliament and the European Council, we dive deep into this key element of EU politics.
  1. What is a Spitzenkandidat?
  2. The three towers: how many seats to rule them all?
  3. Can the EU engineer innovation?

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